Saturday, October 17, 2009

Photo Hunt - Haven't done this one before

It's a good week for me to start too because it's a free week at .  We don't do much for Halloween around here (GASP) - I know lots of people love it, but we don't, especially since kids stopped coming way back after 9-11.  Sad but true.  I used to work with a guy who told me he and his family loved Halloween so much they had 10 boxes of decorations and only 1 for Christmas.  We're the opposite here - I'm like the original Christmas fairy or something.  So to make up for it, here are two photos.  If you stand on your head, squint your eyes, and whistle Monster Mash, you could consider them spooky : )

This one is the sky from yesterday morning when our cold front was brewing:

I went out and took about a dozen pix and every one was different - it was a wild sky for sure.  When I started on the computer this morning it was 73 here, now it's 68, so it's really a cold front, honest.

Here is a neighbor's cat.  Keep in mind this was shot through a dirty window, a dirtier screen, and on a long telephoto lens.  He was lying up on the pool yard wall where he knows the dogs won't get him.  Smart cat.  Don't know his name.  I'll ask him next time I see him.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a happy Saturday.  Peace.  B : )


Martha said...

The Photo Hunt is another good one, Did you get the email I sent last week with the looong list of memes?

Have a great weekend!

CY said...

The cat looks like he is about to pounce on something which he is eyeing for a long time. :) CY

Ricepatty said...

Scary sky - glad it brought cool weather :) Neat pic of the cat through the window through the screen.....

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