Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

(this was in my post yesterday, but I'm trying to reach everyone who only visits on particular meme days)

This is a memorial to my beloved Jeffie.  Most of you have read about him and probably come to love his clown-like antics here on my blog - if not, just go down to my "label cloud" and click on Jeff or Jeffie and you will.  On Monday, September 13 (four days after my birthday) Jeff was diagnosed with bone cancer in his right front leg. To make an agonizing story short, and bearable, it went fast and we gave him his wings on Wednesday.  Jeffie would have been with us for five years in October, and would have been twelve years old in December.  Here is the last picture I have of him, taken a week before his death.  His leg shows misshapen, and it got twice as bad as the days went by.  His eyes show the pain he was in, even with 24 hour pain meds.  He told me he loved me and wanted nothing more than to be with me but to please let him go.  It was the right decision, at the right time, but oh my God how I miss him!

And here is the Ruby Tuesday part of this post:

The Scarlet Hibiscus I told you about here also has red stalks.  If you would care to join in on a meme, just choose the appropriate button to the right.  Peace.  B : (

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday and a tribute to Jeffie

Banana leaves are still pretty, even when they're dying:
at least I think so.

(this was in my post yesterday, but I'm trying to reach everyone who only visits on particular meme days)

This is a memorial to my beloved Jeffie.  Most of you have read about him and probably come to love his clown-like antics here on my blog - if not, just go down to my "label cloud" and click on Jeff or Jeffie and you will.  On Monday, September 13 (four days after my birthday) Jeff was diagnosed with bone cancer in his right front leg. To make an agonizing story short, and bearable, it went fast and we gave him his wings on Wednesday.  Jeffie would have been with us for five years in October, and would have been twelve years old in December.  Here is the last picture I have of him, taken a week before his death.  His leg shows misshapen, and it got twice as bad as the days went by.  His eyes show the pain he was in, even with 24 hour pain meds.  He told me he loved me and wanted nothing more than to be with me but to please let him go.  It was the right decision, at the right time, but oh my God how I miss him!
If you would like to join in on Mellow Yellow Monday, please click on the button to the right.  Peace.  B :(

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Camera Critters

Please click on the button to the right if you care to join in on any of the memes.  Peace.  B : )

Friday, September 17, 2010

SkyWatch Friday

Ahhhh the storms.  They're most often quite beautiful, they come and go quickly, and all you have to do is turn to face another direction and they're not there at all:

If only the "storms of life" were so simple.  Please click on the SkyWatch Friday button to the right to see some truly marvelous shots, and perhaps leave some of your own?  Peace.  B : )

Fertilizer Friday

I just thought this was cute : )  Have a wonderful day.  Please click on the Fertilizer Friday button to the right if you'd care to explore this meme.  Peace.  B : )

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ruby Tuesday and Lose For Good

As I mentioned on a previous post, I rejoined Weight Watchers as a lapsed life member, a few weeks ago.  Right now they are running a program called LOSE FOR GOOD which includes ways to help fight hunger for others while losing weight for ourselves.  Today is Lose-A-Palooza!  It's a very worthy project and I would personally appreciate it if you would follow this link and read what it's all about.  Just by following the link, Weight Watchers will donate one dollar!  Thanks.

As for Ruby Tuesday, well, it's pretty sad.  This is my heart

and this is my heart after our trip to the Vet's yesterday

My Jeffie has bone cancer.  I can't write more about it right now - maybe another day when I can focus.  Your prayers to keep him comfortable for a while longer would be appreciated.

Click on any of the buttons to the right to follow a meme.  Peace.  B :)  : (

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day - NOT!!

Of course it's not, but when I was uploading and organizing photos to PSE this one caught my eye as a perfect St. Patrick's Day photo - well maybe not perfect. I guess it should have a FOUR leafed clover.
Back to Mellow Yellow Monday, where I belong - our Mexican Sunflowers did not bloom hardly at all this year.  They grew and they multiplied, but they  didn't bloom.  Some of the people we gifted with these plants had the same experience.  Guess it was our cold winter.  But here is one anyway, sharing the spotlight with yet another snail.  This was taken in the dark with a flash - I sort of like that look
These are my birthday flowers from Victor - pretty huh?
And these next two are the gift and card my elder step-daughter made for me. It's hard to see, but the artwork is done on canvas with paints and layers of paper.  She's very talented

Have a lovely Monday - a brand new week to start over again!  If you would care to join in on a meme, click on the button of your choice over there to the right.  Peace  B : )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday and Weekend Reflections

Wow, guess I wasn't all better yet, but I think I'm back now.  Lots happening.  Celebrated yet another birthday Thursday and reflected again on the horrible events of 9-11.  This year the TV shows had a different slant to them - did you notice?  Some people seem to think there was a conspiracy and the US did this to itself?  Personally, I have always thought that one should not waste time trying to place blame, but to use that time and energy to make things better, fix what happened, make the customer happy, whatever.  I can't wrap my mind around that one; but then, I can't wrap it around that whole day anyway.  Just beyond belief.  And of all the many things that come to mind whenever I allow myself to think of that day, I guess the two that hit me hardest are how the people who had friends/relatives in those buildings were feeling while waiting to see/hear more, and how all of those police/fire/rescue people didn't just run screaming in the other direction.  Talk about strength!  And no, I haven't forgotten about the people who were trapped in the buildings, I just know from experiences that if something is happening to you, you can find a way to get through it, but if it's happening to someone you love, it's just worse somehow. The whole thing is just beyond belief.  And now I feel that this conspiracy thinking is disrespecting the people who lived, or didn't live, through 9-11, and God knows they all need and deserve respect.

On a lighter note - here's a fly shadow : )
And another reflection from a cleaner birdbath : )
The birds do use this, notably an on-going family of cardinals and one of blue jays, but mostly it's used by Jeff and Joy for drinking.

If you would care to join in on any of the memes in which I participate, please click on the button of your choice, to the right.  Have a happy Sunday, and please send some prayers to everyone involved in that unthinkable day.  Peace  B : )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ABC Wednesday and Watery Wednesday

Wow - STILL recovering from this virus or whatever - it's reduced me to a sissy! and made me miss some posts.  But here we go:

ABC Wednesday - H is for HOME
My apologies if I've broken any rules about photos being taken by me.  This homecoming event was around the time of my birth so no, I didn't take this one, but I love it, so here it is : )  These fine gentlemen are my grandfather and my uncle.

Watery Wednesday
The kiddo, in his pool, at his first birthday party a few months ago.

If you would care to join in on these great memes, please click on the appropriate button(s) to the right!  Happy Wednesday.  Peace. B : )

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday and Weekend Reflections

Here I am, back from my unintentional vacation from blogland - got sick last Saturday night and am still getting better!

This shadow shot may just have been better if you were there.  I tried it in black and white and that still didn't show what I know I was seeing.  The sun was shining through the back of the bloom so there were shadows in the throat and there are some on the leaves and the rest of the bloom.
This Weekend Reflection shot may be even more obscure - do you see the camera in the upper left corner?  I was driving with my right hand, and taking the shot with my left, without looking at what I was shooting.  I figured there was this giant sky just loaded with stuff to look at - I had to hit something good!
To try out these memes yourself, just click on the buttons to the right.  Happy weekend.  Peace.  B : )
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