Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A New Year - A New Direction

Hey there - happy Tuesday and Happy One Year Anniversary to the Just B blog.  Just because I can never leave well enough alone, I am going to change my blog "direction".  I'm retired, I don't want any deadlines.  So from now on I will just be posting whatever comes to mind.  No more memes (she says now).  There will still be pictures when I feel like it - there won't be when I don't.  So, have a great day and stop in once in a while to see what's going on.  Thanks.  B : )


Ricepatty said...

Sounds like a good plan - I am feeling pretty much to same way although I have Martha pushing me to "blend" the lives. Enjoy! We'll see you when we "see" you :)

Vicki ~ FL said...

I'm with you on that .... as you know it's been ages since I've posted anything and every time I see Martha she calls me her "nonblogging friend" (LOL).

tinyskillet said...

I think that sounds like a good thing to do. I have been slowing down and feel if you have to apologize for not posting (unless it's your business)something is wrong, it's not fun anymore, and I blog for fun (and family) :D

So have fun!!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Sounds like the perfect plan to me. Just enjoy and have fun.

Anonymous said...

What's up, Sebast here and I [url=http://sebastian3mckenz.terapad.com/index.cfm?fa=contentNews.newsDetails&newsID=1058308&from=list]buy shoes[/url] for a living, I like this get-up I could definitely get involved here.

Ann Schach said...

Great idea! And now that Muffy the Boxer is here, I am sure that my blogging will be slowing down for awhile! Sometimes just the everyday things of life are more important than deadlines!

Anonymous said...

This is fifty percent entertaining. But then again I am extremely high right now

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